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Tag: Vehicle Authorisation

Vehicle Authorisation – Our solutions

Design and approval strategy for a rail-bound maintenance machine

Customer: SCHÖMA, Germany

Project tasks

  • Vehicle authoirsation strategy
  • Design assurance (Systems Engineering)
  • Concept development
  • Technical evaluation of offers and technical coordination with suppliers
  • Project management

Our approach

SCHÖMA plans to develop a proven, powered, three-part rail-bound maintenance machine with cab, loading platform and crane called HERO. SCHÖMA needs support in developing the authorisation strategy to fulfil the EN 14033 standards and in defining the design process including verification and validation.

PROSE developed the decision-making basis for the approval process enabling a defined combination of the three vehicles of the working machine to be approved and the verifications and evidence according to EN 14033 to be provided. PROSE also supported SCHÖMA in the budget planning phase of the development of the HERO work machine in the evaluation of supplier offers for systems and components such as the power train, braking system, power generation, train protection (ETCS) and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). In addition, PROSE defined the design phases and the design assurance process according to the systems engineering methodology to ensure a defined and structured design process.

Customer benefit

​PROSE has structured and optimised SCHÖMA’s development process by systematically applying the system engineering methodology. This approach has not only minimised development risks associated with costs and timelines but has crucially enhanced the predictability and likelihood of obtaining necessary approvals from authorities.



Vehicle Authorisation

Customer: various customers

Project tasks

  • Carrying out requirements capture and preparing the safety evaluation, including risk analysis
  • Preparation and management of evidence documents
  • Cooperation and coordination of NoBo, DeBo and AsBo
  • Support in preparing several declarations and dealing with online registers like ERATV or ERADIS
  • Management of the change notification to the ERA or national safety authorities like EBA for changes not requiring an authorisation
  • Management of authorisation applications via One Stop Shop to the ERA for changes requiring authorisation
  • Coordination with the ERA and national safety authority

Our Approach

Vehicle operators or leasing companies make changes to their vehicles for very different reasons, e.g. for obsolescence reasons or to offer passengers a better service by customising the interior and adding features such as sockets or WLAN. In addition to providing engineering services, PROSE supports such projects by taking over the entire approval management process, including communication with all the bodies and authorities involved.

The authorisation process ensures safe rail transport and the best possible interoperability throughout the EU. However, implementing changes to rolling stock presents a significant challenge to operators, keepers, and owners.

At PROSE, we recognise that each railway vehicle is unique. Our team of experts develops vehicle authorisation strategies that address the specific challenges of our customer’s products and needs. From Requirements Capture to One Stop Shop, our experts have the knowledge to guide you through the process. Whether you only need assistance with a single task or are looking for a complete solution, we can provide solutions to meet your particular requirements.

Customer benefit

Modernisations and retrofits guarantee enhanced reliability and superior passenger comfort and open up new applications by integrating new systems. Whilst operators and workshops can focus on their primary tasks, PROSE can handle all the “paperwork” from the engineering and the preparation of evidence documents to the assessment and authorisation phases with bodies and authorities involved. Due to our comprehensive service portfolio, we help reduce interfaces and effort because all services are coordinated and come from a single source.

PROSE ensures that our customers’ railway vehicles comply with the latest standards and regulations. From document preparation to submission, we make sure that vehicle approval hurdles don’t derail your success.



Authorisation Management – Change of Radio Devices

Customer: various costumers

Project tasks

  • Integration of the new radio device
  • Implementation of additional country-specific equipment for operation outside Germany
  • Requirements capture and safety evaluation
  • Preparation and structuring of evidence documentation
  • Management of the different bodies (NoBos, DeBos, AsBos)
  • Support with the several declarations to be issued
  • Support with ERADIS and ERATV
  • Management of the application at the involved authorities (ERA and NSAs

Our Approach

As Germany’s largest railway infrastructure company, DB InfraGO wants to switch off analogue train radio on many routes. This means that vehicle operators are obliged to retrofit their vehicles with GSM-R digital train radio if they do not yet have the appropriate equipment.

For the first time since the introduction of the 4th railway package, many vehicle operators have been faced with the task of carrying out vehicle modifications that require authorisation. Many small and medium-sized regional transport companies do not have the capacity to deal with the complex authorisation processes and are reliant on external support.

PROSE responds individually to vehicle operators’ needs and provides support throughout the entire chain, from the specification of the required radio equipment to the receipt of the new authorisation in precisely those areas where the vehicle operator has a need.

PROSE determines the individual project requirements for each customer enquiry. The customer’s preliminary work and the desired in-house services are taken into account, and clear interfaces are created so that the project realisation runs hand in hand. The flexibility to respond to short-term customer requests to increase or reduce the project scope is a matter of course for us.

Customer benefit

Due to the large number of projects in this area, we have very good contacts with several bodies and authorities, which enables uncomplicated coordination even before the project begins. In regional transport, where operators often belong to a group, PROSE provides strategic advice on the selection of the proposer, the entity managing the change and the workshops, taking into account several points to keep the overall project costs arising from assessments, audits etc. as low as possible and to be able to exploit synergies, e.g. in cases where different operators of the group operate the same vehicle serie. The operators can focus on their core business and do not even have to take part in the coordination rounds with the authorising entity and/or national safety authorities during the authority’s application assessment phase, as PROSE can do this for the operators on request using a power of attorney.

Homologation Support – Repainting of ET425.5 EMUs

Customer: Transdev Hannover GmbH, Germany

Project tasks

  • Project management
  • Requirements capture
  • Homologation support
  • Communication with NoBo and DeBo
  • Preparation of verification and admission documents

Our Approach

Transdev Hannover GmbH changed the existing colour scheme of 13 EMUs of the type ET425.5 from the Deutsche Bahn “Verkehrsrot” to the Transdev branding in blue and white. PROSE supported with homologation management concerning TSI LOC&PAS, TSI PRM and German NNTR as well as requirements capture and verification documents. The main obstacle was to find a way to establish the verification of the fire protection as no spare parts existed to conduct the necessary experiments.

Due to the great experience and good networking within the industry, it was possible to agree on a feasible way of proving fire protection with the assessment bodies as early as the tendering phase. In combination with the close support of the customer in every phase of the project, loops or lengthy discussions could be avoided.

Customer benefit

PROSE led Transdev Hannover through the homologation process including communication with the assessment bodies and project management. This ultimately resulted in the timely submission of the documents and rapid final processing by the national safety authority (EBA) including the final “Go”.



Expert report for approval of new trams in Dortmund

Customer: HeiterBlick GmbH, Germany

Project tasks

  • ​Assessment of running dynamics

Our Approach

For the approval of the new trams of the operator DSW21 in Dortmund, the manufacturer HeiterBlick GmbH in Leipzig commissioned the EBA-approved expert Stefan Bühler to assess the running dynamic behaviour according to the regulations for trams in Germany, BOStrab.

The new vehicles have been authorised and in operation since April 2024. Modernised vehicles will be assessed in a further phase.

​PROSE agreed on the scope of verification with the technical supervisory authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (TAB NRW) and the manufacturer HeiterBlick GmbH. Dr Johannes Keudel, a specialist in running dynamics simulations, supported Stefan Bühler in the assessment of the provided evidence. Finally, the expert report was drawn up.

Customer benefit

It is essential for the customer that the authorities accept the assessors. Thanks to the appraisal team’s high level of expertise, the customer HeiterBlick GmbH knew precisely what evidence he had to provide and in what form. For this reason and thanks to the high level of customer orientation of the PROSE team, the expert report could be prepared quickly and in good quality. Although the input on this specialist area was only available very late, this hardly caused any delay to the authorization of the trams.


Expert report on metre-gauge flat wagons with cogwheel brake

Customer: PVF Trade, s.r.o., Czech Republic

Project tasks

  • Project management
  • Definition and procurement of input data
  • Review and appraisal of all input documents
  • Preparation of expert report

Our Approach

PROSE was commissioned by the company PVF Trade, s.r.o., to prepare an expert test report (SV report) on the test report of suspension tests of the vehicle “four-axle service – flat wagon 1000mm track with cogwheel brake”.

The report is intended to provide information on the compliance of the brake tests according to the test report “Flat wagon with toothed wheel brake suspension tests” with the provisions of the AB-EBV and their fulfilment.

All documents submitted were checked for completeness and plausibility. The check was carried out against all relevant requirements from the FOT guidelines AB-EBV.

In the event of inconsistencies and/or missing information, these were requested from the client or other project partners. On this basis, a final expert report was prepared and submitted to the client.

Customer benefit

​PROSE’s prompt preparation of the expert report guarantees a smooth and rapid handling of the authorisation procedure. The intensive review of the documents provided ensures that the report meets the highest quality standards and that the vehicle is guaranteed to operate safely. The intensive project supervision by the PROSE expert regarding adjustments and requirements for the documentation with all project partners relieves the customer of this organisational work and ensures rapid and high-quality processing.



Fire Safety Assessment and Consulting

Project tasks

  • Consultancy
  • Development and creation of fire protection concepts
  • Development and creation of evacuation concepts
  • Analyses of fire protection requirements
  • Compilation of required fire protection test reports
  • Communication with authorities, manufacturers and testing laboratories
  • Integration of fire safety systems
  • Preparation of approval documents relevant to fire protection

Our Approach

PROSE analyses the given situation and develops solutions that meet the applicable fire protection requirements. To this end, PROSE advises the customer and identifies various solutions in order to find an efficient way of achieving the required fire protection for railway vehicles in accordance with EN 45545. Our experts calculate the thermal load of the vehicle during the design and propose measures for its reduction.

Customer benefit

The customer benefits from our many years of experience in the field of fire protection for all types of rail vehicles in accordance with EN 45545, including not only advice but also the creation of concepts, the preparation of the necessary fire protection certificates, contact with manufacturers of fire protection-compliant components and communication with approval authorities. The aim is to place fire protection suitable vehicles into service.

Authorisation support for the installation of a Speed-Sensing system

Customer: Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Review of the planned changes
  • Scheduling
  • Assessment of the changes according to risk assessment norm RTE 49100
  • Preparation of documents and expert assessment reports for submission to the Federal Rail Authority

Our Approach

The aim is to support the Gornergrat Railway by taking over the following activities:

  • Review of the planned modification based on the draft schematics, drawings and descriptions prepared by the Mat­terhorn-Gotthard Railway
  • Preparation of a schedule for the authorisation procedure
  • Provision of the documents for authorisation to the Swiss Federal Rail Authority (FOT)
    • Assessment of the changes in accordance with risk assessment regulation RTE 49100
    • Preparation and submission of all documents required for authorisation by FOT
    • Preparation of an expert report on the speed-sensing system

Customer benefit

PROSE’s support ensures that the authorisation process runs smoothly and promptly. This leads to an accelerated execution of the refit project. Reviewing the planned modifications based on draft schematics, drawings, and descriptions from the Mat­terhorn-Gotthard Railway ensures that the modifications meet the highest quality standards. The provision of all necessary documents for authorisation by the FOT, including the risk assessment per RTE 49100, ensures that all regulatory requirements are met. The preparation of an expert report on the speed sensing system promotes trust between the Gorner­grat Railway and the relevant authority, as the technical aspects of the modifications are documented in detail and professionally.

Aerodynamics simulation (CFD)

Customer: Various customers

Project tasks

​During the development process or during modernisation, aerodynamic influences such as crosswind or vehicle air conditioning of a vehicle must be assessed. Often the final verification requires investigations in a wind tunnel or climatic wind tunnel. However, CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) simulations are ideal for an initial assessment and optimization, as they generally provide reliable results at significantly lower cost.


  • Crosswind stability (aero-dynamic coefficients and wind characteristics curves) according to EN 14067-6
  • Climatic studies and thermal comfort

Our Approach

Crosswind assessment according to EN 14067-6

The EN 14067-6 provides for the evaluation of crosswind with aerodynamic coefficients, which can be obtained either by wind tunnel tests or by CFD simulations. PROSE can determine these coefficients by CFD simulations and derive characteristic wind curves. The influence of the vehicle design on the crosswind stability can be considered in the design phase. In the case of changes to the vehicle exterior shape during conversions, the influence can be assessed and in the case of minor changes, proof of crosswind stability can also be provided.

Investigation of vehicle air conditioning

CFD simulations allow first estimations for climatic-technical investigations according to European standards, which are based on tests in the climatic wind tunnel. An optimization with CFD simulations within the scope of the design of the air conditioning system generates additional safety and can avoid costly adjustments and repetitions of measurements in the climatic wind tunnel.

Customer benefit

PROSE can support you during the development process or during a modernization with CFD simulations to reduce costs and risks of wind tunnel and climatic wind tunnel tests.



MBS simulation – trailer load with container car

Customer: Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Compilation and preparation of parameters for modelling and simulation
  • Determination of the braking scenario to be considered
  • Creation of a multi-body simulation model (MBS model) of the cogwheel supporting wagon to be investigated as well as of the coupled train configuration
  • Execution and evaluation of the simulation
  • Documentation in a verification report

Our Approach

PROSE is to prove by simulation that derailment safety is given with the new requirements and to develop a set of arguments that can be submitted to the BAV to adapt the driving service regulation.

In a first step, PROSE compiled all the parameters required for modelling and simulation on the basis of customer data. Subsequently, the braking scenario was determined and agreed with the customer. PROSE created the multi-body simulation model (MBS model) of the container car in the required modelling depth. The overall model of the train set included a simplified MBS model of the necessary vehicles for the combinations to be verified in addition to the carrying car to be investigated. PROSE simulated the operationally most critical cases and recorded the results and evaluation of the simulations in a verification report for the attention of the approval authority.

Customer benefit

The customer received a verification report for the approval documentation, which clearly and comprehensibly documents the mathematical proof of safety against derailment of the cogwheel carrier car. On the basis of the proof, the customer was able to obtain the adjustment of the driving service regulation from the BAV.


Assistance to the project owner for the renewal of contracts for the regional interurban public transport network

Customer: Région SUD , France

Project tasks

  • Project management
  • Provision of techno-commercial advice

Our Approach

Background: In the context of the evolution of the future scope of scheduled services, and considering the adoption of the Law of 24 December 2019, “Orientations des Mobilités”, the Transport Organizing Authority (AOT), the Southern Region defines its service offering.
The Region needed to strengthen these capacities in the face of the procedures for renewing contracts for the regional interurban public transport network in the Alpes de Haute-Provence region and the reorganisation of the Regional Express Lines in the areas concerned.

Approach: PROSE joined forces as a consortium to respond to this call for tenders. The consortium, led by the company Trans-missions, is made up of PROSE for its expertise in rolling stock, but also Tractebel for the infrastructure part.

Customer benefit

PROSE is supporting the South Region in the preparation, development and negotiation of a new operating agreement with SNCF Voyageurs. Our profound expertise in rolling stock empowers us to provide valuable advice for enhancing the terms of the operational monitoring contract. We focus on critical aspects such as reliability clauses, availability assurances, and proactive obsolescence monitoring. In the field of maintenance, PROSE’s expertise is made available for an accurate assessment of the advertised costs.

In the pursuit of the opening of regional passenger rail lines to competition, PROSE provides technical assistance on the new calls for tenders to come., Our technical expertise is poised to address critical areas, including:

  • ERTMS installation
  • Rolling stock maintenance
  • Sustainable development
  • Technical sizing of maintenance and siding sites, etc.



Re-design studies of the PRIMA BB27000 and BB37000 locomotives

Customer: AKIEM, France

Project tasks

  • Pre-studies (feasibility study and budget estimate on different topics)
  • Electrical and mechanical integration studies
  • Replacement of the headlights with LED headlights
  • Integration of a socket with USB ports in the driver’s cab.
  • Modification of existing circuit diagrams
  • Design of integration plans and schemes
  • Creation of an operating and an assembly manual
  • Budget estimate to modify the entire PRIMA fleet of AKIEM
  • Supply of prototype parts and support for its integration
  • Carrying out the procedure and the test report
  • Updating of documents after the integration of the prototype and the realisation of tests, if necessary
  • Provision of the purchase specifications of the parts for the series
  • Impact assessment of the amendment

Our Approach

To carry out all pre-studies and studies, PROSE has set up an internal organisation:

  • Project Manager / Coordinator
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Mechanical Design Engineer
  • Expert in change impact analysis

PROSE worked in collaboration with AKIEM to provide the best possible solution in the shortest possible lead time.

Customer benefit

Thanks to our expertise in the field of rolling stock and our engineering department with its various competence centres, PROSE was able to offer our best services to propose modifications and carry out innovations on the locomotives.


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