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Strengthen your team

Do you need to boost your team with railway experts?
Are you looking for a project manager to bring your project forward?
Are you running into a temporary capacity shortage?

We complement your teams with our experts. For projects where you need know-how and expertise for a specialist area, we put our consultants at your disposal.

We assume different roles such as project manager, consultant, technical writer, or design engineer. Our consultants work integrated into your teams and the team members benefit from an exchange of experience that brings the desired boost to the project.  As a bonus, your employees receive development and “on-the-job” training.


  • Project management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Training
  • Technical Documentation

Project management

Project management in the railway sector is challenging and needs specific expertise. In many cases several parties are involved, teams are spread across different countries, and time schedules and budgets are tight. We understand this and offer project management services for many kinds of projects. Our project managers work with both simple and complex projects involving several parties and in an international, multicultural context.

We offer project management services in:

  • Engineering projects
  • Modernisation projects
  • Procurement projects
  • Vehicle authorization projects


We offer extensive troubleshooting support related to the functioning of rolling stock, railway systems, and processes. You can either appoint us as your independent advisor to guide you in the troubleshooting process or you can leave the entire issue-solving to our experts.

We offer the following services:

  • Root-cause analysis, e.g. extensive wear
  • Solution development, e.g. repair or obsolescence solutions
  • Implementation supervision
  • Demonstration of fault correction
  • Accident investigations

    Felix Saur

    Jochen Helmlinger


    We offer training services that meet your individual requirements. We prepare customised courses and guest lectures that can range from a basic introduction to advanced courses on specialised topics. 

    The PROSE Academy was initiated for the implementation of e-learning courses. We offer basic modules for self-study for manufacturers and operators. For example, a module on ERA vehicle approval in the fourth railway package. On this basis, customer- and user-specific advanced training courses are then carried out with PROSE experts. 

    A small extract of our services:

    • Personally tailored training modules
    • Guest lectures
    • Trainings on brake systems
    • On-site training for safety-related parts
    • Introduction to ECM (PROSE Academy)
    • Online basic module homologation of fourth railway package (PROSE Academy)

      Riccardo Loni

      Frieder Tallafuss

      Technical Documentation

      We provide technical documentation expertise to rail and other public transportation. We are experts at explaining, structuring and visualizing, with a focus on delivering functional documentation such as manuals for operating and maintenance personnel.

      We offer the following services:

      • Technical Writing
      • Project Managing
      • Training Material
      • Translations
      • Information Analysis
      • Structured Information Management: methodology and tools
      • Consultancy and Procurement of Document Management
      • PRO(doc) – Customized Online Documentation Library (Read more about PRO(doc))

      Joakim Jahn

      Amanda Werner Nilsson

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