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Let your fleet run

Are you facing challenges with low mileage performance of your vehicles?
Having difficulties with spare parts?

We care about the availability of your fleet and assist you with troubleshooting in many ways, be it in maintenance, or in technical issues with your vehicles. If obsolescence is your concern, we support you in finding appropriate suppliers and managing the procurement, e.g. specify requirements, or our reverse engineering provides solutions.

Our experts assist you in your role as entity in charge of maintenance ECM. We enhance operator and maintenance handbooks with your operation-specific inputs. You want to keep up the values of your assets? Our refit team takes the necessary measures for overhauls, refurbishments and modernisations.


  • Procurement Management
  • Maintenance support & optimisation
  • Troubleshooting
  • Modernisation
  • Obsolescence
  • Technical Documentation
  • Test benches & facilities
  • Vehicle Authorisation
  • RAMS & LCC

Procurement Management

Rolling stock procurement is complex and absorbs time and resources. We can assume responsibility for your procurement project or strengthen your existing team. In close cooperation with you, we develop a customized procurement strategy and use professional project planning tools to coordinate the entire procurement process. We support you either during the whole procurement process or on a specific specialized topic.

We offer the following services:

  • Tender preparation
  • Bid evaluation
  • Negotiation support

Signe Molin

Frieder Tallafuss

Rolf Mühlemann

Maintenance support & optimisation

We support you in implementing efficient servicing and maintenance systems for railway vehicles, to ensure sufficient rolling stock and to lower life cycle costs. We analyse current situations and suggest the right solutions to ensure your success.

We offer the following services:

  • Current situation and delta analysis
  • Concepts for operation and production
  • Customised maintenance optimisation plans
  • ECM consultancy

Rolf Mühlemann

Tobias Hoppe

Joakim Jahn

Armin Burth


We offer extensive troubleshooting support related to the functioning of rolling stock, railway systems, and processes. You can either appoint us as your independent advisor to guide you in the troubleshooting process or you can leave the entire issue-solving to our experts.

We offer the following services:

  • Root-cause analysis, e.g. extensive wear
  • Solution development, e.g. repair or obsolescence solutions
  • Implementation supervision
  • Demonstration of fault correction
  • Accident investigations

    Felix Saur

    Jochen Helmlinger


    Older rail vehicles, although well-maintained, may no longer meet modern standards or new operational requirements. We assist in the technical modernisation of your existing vehicles. Our modernisation specialists can evaluate and develop the modernisation procedures in detail.

    We offer the following services:

    • Requirements analysis
    • Documentation of the required modernisation
    • Refurbishment engineering
    • Coordination of modernisation
    • Vehicle authorisation procedure support

    Lukas Müller

    Joakim Jahn

    Bastian Fischer


    The long lifecycle of rolling stock assets comes with a set of challenges related to obsolescence. We advise you in the strategy and the approach to overcome these challenges in general.

    We offer the following services:

    • Obsolescence strategy advisory
    • Implementing KPI-cockpits, tooling and lifecycle supervision approaches
    • Obsolescence analysis, condition reports and cost analysis
    • Advisory on repair or exchange
    • Conceptual and detailed solution design
    • Component and system integration
    • Obsolescence engineering
    • Obsolescence procurement and/or implementation supervision
    • Homologation procedure support

    Bernhard Frei

    Joakim Jahn

    Technical Documentation

    We provide technical documentation expertise to rail and other public transportation. We are experts at explaining, structuring and visualizing, with a focus on delivering functional documentation such as manuals for operating and maintenance personnel.

    We offer the following services:

    • Technical Writing
    • Project Managing
    • Training Material
    • Translations
    • Information Analysis
    • Structured Information Management: methodology and tools
    • Consultancy and Procurement of Document Management
    • PRO(doc) – Customized Online Documentation Library (Read more about PRO(doc))

    Joakim Jahn

    Amanda Werner Nilsson

    Test benches & facilities

    The reduction of the testing time for newly built vehicles is an important element for the reduction of delivery time and costs. To test modules of rail vehicles before assembling of the whole vehicle PROSE has developed, built and delivered several test benches for rail vehicles.

    We offer the following services:

    • Development of testing strategies
    • Creation of test protocols
    • Development of test benches according to customer requirements
    • Integration of test benches in existing test strategies
    • Software development for the test benches
    • Building and delivery of all needed components
    • Commissioning on site
    • Training of the test personnel
    • Maintenance of the test benches

    Josef Kometer

    Günther Amplatz

    Vehicle Authorisation

    Managing vehicle authorisation requires the consideration of many national and international regulations. In an environment where regulations are continuously developing, it is necessary to be updated regarding requirements and processes. Ready to support you. We offer professional authorisation management support, either as a general contractor or as an integral part of your existing team.

    We offer the following services:

    • Authorisation strategy
    • Authorisation concept
    • Authorisation dossier
    • Responsibility and management of the entire authorisation process
    • Management of changes in simple and complex projects
    • Support in the handling ERA processes, such as One-Stop-Shop (OSS)

    Christoph Gyr

    Robert Sieglitz

    Stefan Bühler

    RAMS & LCC

    There is a growing need for techniques to improve reliability, availability, maintainability and safety, and to predict life cycle cost. You can rely on us to perform customised analyses in your best interest.

    We offer the following services:

    • Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS)
    • Life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis
    • Reliability growth programs

    Riccardo Loni

    Finn Wirth

    Elia Ruiz Sandoval

    Erik Hartwig

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