Auditing vehicle maintenance

Customer: Appenzeller Bahnen, Switzerland
Project tasks
- Organisation
- Workshop inspection
- Consolidation
- Report
Our Approach
PROSE implemented the maintenance audit in four sections: The content and objective of the first part was the deductive immersion in the maintenance organisation, starting from the strategy, the annual report on the structural and process organisation, the basic compatibility assessment of functional process organisations and the cooperation and division of labour between the different workshops. In the second part of this audit, two workshops were visited and their work was evaluated with regard to the knowledge gained in the first part and any gaps and/or suggestions for improvement were collected. Finally, the collected impressions were summarised and reflected upon and located with the client. The final report documented the result of the external view and provided information on the development status of vehicle maintenance.
Customer benefit
During the four abovementioned inspections, the Appenzeller Bahnen and their maintenance team received valuable feedback on their processes, on the organisation of procedures and processes, as well as on the status of their documentation. A number of suggestions for improvement were gratefully received and implemented as soon as possible.