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Assessment of brake problems snow clearing vehicle

Customer: ZAUGG AG EGGIWIL, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Independent assessment of the braking performance of the snow removal vehicle ZRR10000M Trafikverket

Our approach

The task included research of existing standards and operational regulations, the investigation of the implication in case of a lining change as well as consultations with brake suppliers / operators. Based on these technical and operational data, experiences and general conditions, PROSE prepared an independent investigation and assessment of the mentioned brake problems under severe winter conditions including recommendations for action.

Customer benefit

The assessment is used for submission to the vehicle operator. With the various solutions and recommended actions adapted to the vehicle, reliable operation of the vehicle can be achieved. Thus, the customer can fulfill the obligations towards the operator. Furthermore, the report serves as a basis for the approval with corresponding argumentations, which makes it easier for the customer to appear before the registration office and the end customer.


Verification of clearance between infrastructure gauge and infrastructure

Customer: Stadtwerke München GmbH (SWM), Germany

Project tasks

  • Support of the SWM project management in the technical evaluation of the results of the infrastructure survey
  • Interpretation of the results with regard to the requirements resulting from §18 of the BOStrab (German regulation on the construction and operation of tramways)
  • Recommendation of the measures to be taken
  • Preparation of the final report of the initial survey for the individual metro lines for submission to the technical supervisory authority

Our Approach

​With laser surveying, the existing installations are recorded with a precision that was previously impossible. PROSE supports the SWM project management in the technical evaluation of the results of the infrastructure survey. This includes the interpretation about the requirements resulting from §18 of the BOStrab as well as the measures to be taken. In addition, PROSE prepares the final report of the initial survey for the individual metro lines for submission to the technical supervisory authority.

Customer benefit

PROSE has experts with many years of expertise regarding the interaction of infrastructure and vehicle and especially regarding the clearance of the light area. This enables PROSE to advise clients on the interpretation of the applicable guidelines in case of ambiguous facts. PROSE was able to prove to SWM that several objects, which were initially classified as violating the clearance, do not pose a threat regarding the clearance. Thus, the customer could avoid a cost-intensive dismantling of these objects.

Assessment of the safety against derailment of a historic fleet running on “bicycle safe” track

Customer: Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe (BVB), Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Recording of vehicle data of the historical fleet
  • Clustering of the vehicles
  • Measurement of the “velogleis” system on site
  • Evaluation of the relevant parameters and classification regarding the applicability

Our Approach

By means of an objective computational method, PROSE evaluates the usability of the vehicles. The investigation of the derailment safety of the historical vehicles is performed regarding the track-related system parameters at the according location. Since such vehicle-technical data are only available to a limited extent for historic vehicles, the running gear design of the vehicles is additionally examined on site in the maintenance pit. For the evaluation regarding the usability, the wheel contact force is analyzed among other topics and the vehicle groups are evaluated according to their use (yes, no, under certain conditions) and documented in a report.

Customer benefit

PROSE’s expertise provides the customer with a statement about the usability of their historic vehicles over the installed track system “velogleis”.

Support for procurement of catenary line installation vehicle

Customer: Furrer+Frey AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Technical clarification, evaluation
  • Preparation and negotiation of the contract framework
  • Project management and client representation
  • Examination of the railspecific specifications
  • Manufacturing supervision
  • Homologation support in Switzerland, Germany and Austria
  • Service introduction support

Our Approach

In the tender phase Furrer+Frey AG entrusted PROSE with the technical clarification for the evaluation as well as with preparation and negotiation of the contract framework. In the execution phase PROSE officially represented the customer.

Customer benefit

Furrer+Frey AG profits from PROSE’s vast experience with procurement of rolling stock and from PROSE’s rail-specific expert knowledge. Competent and experienced experts provide support in the fields of design, development, manufacture and homologation of vehicles so that the customer does not have to provide project-specific resources. The project team managed by PROSE realizes early delivery of a customized vehicle adapted to the company’s work processes. The positive operating approval for Switzerland is included and the budget limit not exceeded.

Support for procurement of a road-rail motor tower car

Customer: BERNMOBIL, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Requirements management
  • Contract for work and materials as well as call for tenders
  • Evaluation of tenders
  • Examination of the specifications
  • Manufacturing supervision
  • Acceptance support
  • Test support FOT

Our Approach

In the tender phase BERNMOBIL engaged PROSE with requirements management, which included the preparation of the requirements specification and all other documents needed for the public request for tenders. Apart from the technical specifications, this also included work and material contracts, availability and reliability requirements, the evaluation model with assessment matrix, and general conditions for the future maintenance and support contract covering the first ten years of operation.

Customer benefit

BERNMOBIL profited from our vast, practice-oriented experience with procurement of rolling stock, as well as from our rail-specific expert knowledge. PROSE also provided access to competent and experienced contacts who could answer questions regarding the design, development, production and homologation of vehicles. The customer was also able to take advantage from the knowledge acquired by PROSE during the execution phase for all important project steps.

Consulting for efficiency increase in maintenance and life cycle cost optimisation

Customer: ÖBB Personenverkehr AG, Austria

Project tasks

  • Implementation of benchmark and a concrete guidance for the application of the optimisation measures
  • Determination of the cost saving potential
  • Development of a standard methodology for future use cases in ÖBB passenger transport

Our Approach

First, an analysis of the current technical procurement depth of the tenders was carried out. In the next step, model calculations of investment costs (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX) were prepared, and a benchmark of the existing options for action was defined. The recommendations elaborated by PROSE show which adjustments would be reasonable in order to use the advantages optimally.

Customer benefit

PROSE enables ÖBB to provide a comprehensive overview and thus provides a basis for decisions on the choice of measures with which its medium and long-term goal of increasing efficiency can be realized.

Development and delivery of module test stands for railroad construction machines

Customer: Plasser & Theurer, Export von Bahnbaumaschinen, Gesellschaft m.b.H., Austria

Project tasks

  • Development, delivery and commissioning of test benches for vehicle modules for construction machinery (e.g. power pack, cabin)

Our Approach

For the specific implementation of the tests, PROSE developed suitable algorithms for an optimal test process. PROSE was responsible for the complete delivery of the test stand in the project, from the conception and construction to the delivery of the fully assembled test benches.

Customer benefit

Plasser&Theurer benefited from PROSE’s engineering experience during the project. By outsourcing the entire development and engineering project, the customer had the advantage of having fully designed and assembled test benches available by the time the first vehicle modules were completed. The commissioning of the test benches by PROSE ensured that the components to be pre-tested only had to be mounted and connected to the test frame, which significantly reduced the overall production and commissioning time.


Cost Estimation for Object Controlling Software Development

Customer: SBB, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Analysis of the modular concept
  • Verification of the basis technology
  • Estimation of the development time
  • Estimation of the development efforts
  • Evaluation of risks

Our Approach

PROSE put together a team of experienced vehicle maintenance experts. The work contents and processes were systematically analysed and proposals for adjustments and possible improvements were formulated. In a second phase, the identified areas were discussed in workshops with specialists from RAlpin and the maintenance service provider and the final formulation of the work contents and processes for the regulations were determined. The documents were revised by PROSE and a new revision was prepared for release.

Customer benefit

PROSE was contacted for a second opinion. PROSE has employees experienced in signalling and software development as well as safety-related issues. These experiences are combined in a well-coordinated team for the benefit of the client.

Drafting specifications for trams

Customer: Kasseler Verkehrs-Gesellschaft AG, Germany

Project tasks

  • Recording of customer requirements regarding the vehicle technology
  • Revision and extension of the specification sheet
  • Consideration of the current state of the art
  • Observance of the currently valid technical rules and standard
  • Evaluation matrix

Our Approach

PROSE prepared a draft of the specification sheet based on the applicable regulations and the specific requirements of Kasseler Verkehrs-Gesellschaft AG (KVG) as well as using the experience from other tramway pro-jects. Together with KVG AG, a detailed examination and finalization of the specification sheet took place as well as the development of an evaluation matrix for the subsequent bid evaluation.

Customer benefit

The customer can benefit from a broad and independent expert support during the preparation of the specification by PROSE. The market knowledge of PROSE helps the customer to create the specifications, always considering the requirements of the public transport.

Simulation of derailment safety for an innovative tramway vehicle

Customer: Traila, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Checking and compilation of the modeling parameters
  • Checking the implementation of the boundary conditions in the simulation environment
  • Evaluation of the results
  • Expert support and access to leading industry knowledge
  • Key supporter of technology development

Our Approach

Traila requested the support of PROSE to validate their simulation concepts and testing scenarios using the industry standard SIMPACK. In addition, PROSE was requested to validate the derailment safety analysis needed to successfully operate a test tram on the VBZ network. Traila developed a Matlab-based simulation model using Simscape MBD for system integration analysis purposes, as standard and detailed wheel-rail contact models for their application were not available at the time. Traila continues to invest in their simulation capabilities, to support the extensive development of the Traila technology.

Customer benefit

“Due to the extensive experience of the experts at PROSE with MBD modeling of rail vehicles, Traila was able to perform the derailment safety verification quickly, efficiently and successfully,” according to Dr. Tom Morris CEO of Traila. “Additionally, PROSE was quick to react and provide support when we needed it.”

Interior design of Delhi Metro

Customer: Bombardier Transportation, Sweden
End customer: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, India

Project tasks

  • Specification assessment of the equipment to be procured
  • Complete interior design of passenger interior and driver’s cab
  • Evaluation assistance of sub-suppliers bids
  • Overall assistance until delivery and assembly of the first trains

Our Approach

Bombardier was contracted to supply 424 metro trains to New Delhi’s metro corporation. PROSE was commissioned by Bombardier with the complete passenger interior and cab, excluding seats and floors.

Customer benefit

PROSE cooperated closely with Bombardier’s industrial design team and was able to meet customers’ expectations on the design elegance.
Low weight, high resistance to wear and high fire resistance requirements were met.

Support of the project management in the procurement management for interregional rolling stock

Customer: zb Zentralbahn AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Project management of the buying process of the new rolling stock
  • Consideration of the client-specific requirements regarding marketing, finances, technique and company
  • External project management with PROSE acting as an agency

Our Approach

PROSE acted as an expert regarding the bogies and the technical documentation. Our experts were at customer ZB’s disposal to solve open issues, such as technical issues and the correct reference to pertinent standards, while ZB drafted procurement specifications. The service was rendered in close collaboration with ZB’s project management, which enabled receiving technical advice from PROSE within the tight project schedule.

Customer benefit

Cost-effective supply, operation and maintenance of the required rolling stock on the basis of clearly defined, contractual terms. Increased attractiveness due to a client-friendly utilization concept with a high availability.


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