ZPS vehicle expert for the electric network “Saar-RB”
Customer: ZPS – Zweckverband Personennahverkehr Saarland, Germany;
SPNV Nord – Zweckverband Schienenpersonennahverkehr Rheinland-Pfalz Nord, Germany;
SPNV Süd – Zweckverband Schienenpersonennahverkehr Rheinland-Pfalz Süd, Germany
Project tasks
- Assessment of the functional requirements, quality and schedule
- Development of technical solutions
- Establishment and maintenance of a vehicle information system
- Technical advice within the framework of the control group
Our approach
First, an assessment of the functional requirements, quality assurance plan and delivery schedule was carried out. Then the requirements for the asset management and reporting system were collected. The system was tendered and evaluated and a suitable supplier was selected. Along with the commissioning of the asset management and reporting systems, the control group that oversees the design, manufacture and commissioning as well as maintenance of the vehicles was commissioned, ensuring long-term value of the assets.
Customer benefit
Reduced risk for the competent authority when procuring the vehicles.
The authority can make correct and targeted decisions thanks to the technical solutions developed by PROSE.