Cost Estimation for Object Controlling Software Development

Customer: SBB, Switzerland
Project tasks
- Analysis of the modular concept
- Verification of the basis technology
- Estimation of the development time
- Estimation of the development efforts
- Evaluation of risks
Our Approach
PROSE put together a team of experienced vehicle maintenance experts. The work contents and processes were systematically analysed and proposals for adjustments and possible improvements were formulated. In a second phase, the identified areas were discussed in workshops with specialists from RAlpin and the maintenance service provider and the final formulation of the work contents and processes for the regulations were determined. The documents were revised by PROSE and a new revision was prepared for release.
Customer benefit
PROSE was contacted for a second opinion. PROSE has employees experienced in signalling and software development as well as safety-related issues. These experiences are combined in a well-coordinated team for the benefit of the client.