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Tag: Signalling

Signalling – Our solutions

Program Management ATO Sector Program

Customer: BLS Netz AG, Dr. Florian Kappler, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Program Management
  • Project Planning
  • Coordination among all Swiss ATO projects
  • Leading the marketing team to develop and maintain the ATO website
  • Quarterly reporting to the steering board (railway undertakings, infrastructure managers and industry)
  • Coordination with stakeholders, such as the national authority BAV, as well as the industry
  • Supporting specific ATO projects with technical-, operational- and business advisory

Our Approach

In May 2022, the Federal Office of Transport called on the rail sector to align and better coordinate future ATO activities within the Swiss rail sector.

PROSE was commissioned to manage the programme for all Swiss ATO projects. In close cooperation with the ATO core team, PROSE established regular monthly exchanges and jointly identified and developed central cross-cutting topics.

In addition, PROSE also led the communication team and worked with this team to develop and maintain the ATO industry website ( Furthermore, PROSE initiated an ATO-related conference day that invited and actively involved the industry in ATO developments.

Customer benefit

With PROSE as a partner, the customer benefits from comprehensive expertise in the areas of on-board signalling, ETCS and ATO, both on the line and on the vehicle side. An entrepreneurial approach, in-depth technical knowledge and market knowledge are essential for a successful programme design in the first year.

The customer does not need to develop its own project-specific management resources, as PROSE, as an independent consultant, coordinates the related interests of all project managers.



Independent technical and operational assessment of ATO GoA2 implementation variants

Customer: Rhaetian Railway, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Expert interviews
  • Technical and operational assessment
  • Independent evaluation of implementation variants

Our Approach

As part of the development of a technical specification for equipping an existing vehicle fleet with a driver assistance system (DAS) / ATO GoA2 (Automatic Train Operation, semi-automatic operation) , PROSE supported Rhaethian Bahn AG (RhB) with neutral expertise on technical implementation variants.

Specifically, the focus was on the interface and functionality to be implemented for the interface between the DAS and the vehicle control system, as well as the interaction of the locomotive crew with the DAS. In particular, the different implementation variants focused on the DAS activation and implementing the traction/braking force target values on the vehicle.

Based on the European specification analogue to SUBSET-125 and SUBSET-139, the adapted draft specifications, and internal implementation proposals, PROSE carried out a neutral evaluation of the variants using a two-stage methodology.

In the first step, selected RhB representatives from the areas of vehicle technology and locomotive personnel were interviewed. The purpose of the interview was to determine the significance of the individual evaluation criteria.

In the second step, the PROSE experts verified the fulfilment of the criteria for both variants based on the technical specifications and the expert interviews. In particular, the opportunities, risks, suitability for vehicle acceptance, migration capability, acceptance of the systems by the locomotive personnel, and an initial qualitative assessment from the HOF (Human-Organisational-Factors) perspective of the variants were compared and evaluated.

Customer benefit

RhB benefited from the neutral and independent assessment of the PROSE experts and the methodical approach involving the relevant internal representatives. PROSE’s expertise ensured fast and efficient processing and the necessary depth of detail.



Development of rail operation and technology strategy 2050

Customer: Rhätische Bahn AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Strategy development
  • Analysis and conception
  • Stakeholder management & methodology
  • Project management, incl. Stakeholders, Communication and Change-Management

Our Approach

Due to the technology’s long life cycle and high investment volume, investments in railway technology require a comprehensible focus and demonstrable benefits. In collaboration with the RhB specialists, PROSE developed an operational target picture and operational use cases for the year 2050 based on the identified challenges of daily operations. Based on this target picture, the benefits created by technology and target systems are clearly identified, and the technology strategy can be aligned with the fulfilment of the target picture.

Based on the operational target picture, the ACTUAL system architecture and the known life cycles were recorded with the RhB experts. Based on the information on the current situation, PROSE was able to develop a proposal for the TARGET system architecture, including migration planning and implementation concepts.

With the help of modern methods and targeted workshops, PROSE and RhB achieved the project goal in a very short time and presented the first results to the strategic steering committee.

Customer benefit

RhB benefited from the PROSE experts’ overall system knowledge and technical expertise in railway operations & automation. In combination with the methodical and analytical approach of the PROSE project team, RhB was able to develop and discuss initial approaches for the implementation of the strategy across all areas. This includes, for example, a migration map with the life cycle of systems and vehicles to identify possible migration windows for the systems, the visualisation of the operational target processes with the target degree of automation and possible implementation variants on the RhB route network.


ATO GoA2 over ETCS and national Class B Systems Requirements Capture and Approval Risks Analysis

Customer: Nederlandse Spoorwegen, Netherlands

Project tasks

  • Vehicle Authorisation Management and Strategy
  • Operational concepts
  • Automatic Train Operation (ATO)
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Roll out Concept

Our Approach

PROSE analysed possible risks in the homologation and deployment of ATO GoA2 over ATB via STM-Module and analysed the requirements for ATO out of the TSI CCS and TSI OPE. Through analysing project risks concerning existing standards, approval processes and the target architecture, PROSE provided an in-depth analysis proposing a vehicle authorisation approach that covers the overall system level and the changes to the technical and operational subsystems. Besides an approval concept, PROSE provided a roll-out approach for ATO that mitigates safety risks related to Human-Machine-Interface.

Customer benefit

NS benefits from PROSE’s in-depth analysis and concept as an independent second opinion and the adaptation of experiences gained in other ATO projects. Due to the extensive overall system knowledge, PROSE was able to consider all relevant subsystems of railway operation and technology and deliver an NS-aligned approach.

Alternative forms of operation for the Appenzellers Rack railways

Customer: INFRAS, Switzerland

End customer: Canton of Appenzell A.Rh. and St. Gallen

Project tasks

  • Actual state analysis and screening of the available information including inspection of the three railway lines
  • Description of the state of the art in the market
  • Investigation of Automation possibilities
  • Development of a cost and benefit analysis
  • Creation of a final report including evaluation and recommendation for all three railway

Our Approach

As a first step a state analysis and screening of the available information including inspection of the three railway lines was carried out. Then a target system architecture was described using state of the art available technology. Various automation possibilities were developed and assessed. On top a cost and benefit analysis was carried out. All findings were collected in the final report including evaluation and recommendation for all three railways.

Customer benefit

Thanks to PROSE’s structured approach INFRAS received a well-founded result from a broad diversified analysis of the technical possibilities and economic effects of automation of the railway operation of the three lines. During the project the client received an overview of the possibilities as well as of the current state of the art on the subject of automated and autonomous driving operation. PROSE therefore develops a concrete recommendation and the magnitude of the necessary investments in the introduction of automated railway operations.



Audit of an ERTMS onboard system

Customer: Banedanmark (BDK), Denmark

Project tasks

  • Performance of the audit of the onboard projects of the Danish Signaling Program for the readiness for fitment
  • Assessment of the preparation for the installation phase of the vehicles in relation to:
    – Planning of the installation
    – Installation design
    – Prototype installation
    – Approval process
    – Assessment of different design issues

Our Approach

PROSE’s team of experts carried out this audit in less than three months; the audit covered the supplier Alstom, four railway operators, the national safety authority (Trafikstyrelsen), G-ISA and Banedanmark.

Customer benefit

Thanks to PROSE’s independent recommendations, our customer was able to optimize the current technical performance and to reduce the known risks.

Requirements elicitation and preparation of test concept for perception system

Customer: Deutsche Bahn AG, DB Cargo AG, Germany

Project tasks

  • Elicitation of the requirements from the driving service regulations
  • Elicitation of system requirements
  • Design and coordination of the test concept

Our Approach

PROSE has been assigned by DB Cargo to develop a requirements catalog for the perception system, which corresponds to the requirements catalog for ATO GoA2 and GoA4 + Remote Supervision & Control in freight transport. This requirements catalog will be used to evaluate a technology partner for the development, installation, integration, commissioning, certification and testing of such a perception solution. The tests for the one-year trial operation until 2025 will take place on the Dutch part of the Betuweroute (from Kijfhoek to Valburg).

Customer benefit

With the assignment of PROSE, the customer benefits from PROSE’s extensive experience in the fields of ATO, sensor technology and architectures. For this, profound technical knowledge, but also very good knowledge of the market, technology and railroad operations are indispensable. Thanks to PROSE’s structured approach, a well-founded result is ensured from a broad analysis on the technical possibilities and business implications of automation.


smartrail 4.0 – Program Management COAT / CCS Vehicle Equipment

Customer: Industry program smartrail 4.0, SBB Infrastructure, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Management of the COAT / vehicle equipment sub-programme
  • Project planning, project controlling
  • Staffing and onboarding of internal and external project resources, together with PMO
  • SR40 Exchange with other programmes /projects / individual facilities
  • Weekly coordination with the organisational and technical smartrail 4.0 core teams
  • Quarterly coordination with smartrail 4.0 STASS vehicle
  • Coordination with the international cooperation OCORA
  • Coordination with stakeholders, including rail transport companies, suppliers / industry, national / international authorities BAV / ERA, and other stakeholders (CER, S2R, DG Move, RCA,…)

Our Approach

PROSE was commissioned by smartrail 4.0 with the program management and the PMO for the sub-program COAT / vehicle equipment. First the program was defined in terms of costs, benefits, content, and schedule and submitted for approval. Then the program management is responsible for the development of the program organisation and the establishment, planning and management of the international cooperation OCORA with the railway companies NS, SNCF, DB, ÖBB and SBB.

Customer benefit

With the commissioning of PROSE, the industry program smartrail 4.0 benefits from the wide-ranging experience of PROSE in the fields of On-board Signalling, ETCS and ATO in the procurement of new rolling stock as well as in the modernisation of existing vehicles.


Development of next Generation CCS as open CCS onboard reference architecture, OCORA

Customer: Swiss Federal Railways SBB, Infrastructure Division, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Project management OCORA / vehicle equipment
  • Project planning, project controlling
  • Staffing and onboarding of internal and external project resources
  • Exchange with other programs/projects/individuals Facilities
  • Weekly coordination with the international cooperation OCORA
  • Coordination with stakeholders, including rail carriers, suppliers / industry
  • Authorities national / international BAV / ERA, as well as other stakeholders (CER, S2R, ER JU, DG Move, RCA,…)

Our Approach

PROSE is mandated with the project management for the SBB project OCORA / Vehicle Equipment. First, the project is defined in the dimensions costs, benefits, contents and schedule and submitted to the Federal Office of Transport for approval. Subsequently, the project management deals with the set-up of the project organisation and the establishment, planning and management of the international cooperation OCORA with the Railroad undertakings NS, SNCF, DB, ÖBB and SBB. In the further course, the mandated project management includes planning, reporting, demand-oriented reporting and communication within and outside the project and thus also with national and international stakeholders

Customer benefit

With the assignment of PROSE, the customer benefits from the extensive experience of PROSE in the field of on-board signalling, ETCS and ATO for new rolling stock procurements as well as for the modernisation of existing rolling stock.


Setting requirements for ATO on the Betuweroute

Customer: DB Cargo AG, Germany

Project tasks

  • Project coordination across two suppliers
  • Development of a high-level operating concept
  • Creation of a test concept and derivation of the requirements
  • Creation of a training concept and derivation of the requirements
  • Creation of an operational benefit analysis
  • Analysis of the operational processes, also for reduced operation
  • Hazard analysis
  • CENELEC System Definition
  • Safety Plan / Safety Concept
  • System Architecture
  • System Integration
  • Project Schedule
  • Functional requirements diagram ATO Onboard GoA2 + GoA4
  • Functional requirements diagram Remote Supervision & Control
  • Requirements HMI
  • Non-functional requirements catalog ATO Onboard GoA2 + GoA4
  • Non-functional requirements catalog Remote Supervision & Control
  • Use-Case Analysis
  • Human Factors Analysis and derivation of requirements

Our Approach

PROSE was commissioned by DB Cargo to provide a Set of Requirements for Freight ATO GoA 2 and GoA 4 + Remote Supervision & Control in close collaboration with Ricardo Rail in a design-to-timeline approach. This Set of Requirements will be used to evaluate an ATO technology partner for the development, installation, integration, commissioning, certification and testing of such an ATO solution. The tests for the 1-year test trial operation until 2025, will take place on the Dutch part of the Betuweroute (from Kijfhoek to Valburg).

Customer benefit

The customer benefits from PROSE’s extensive experience in the fields of ATO, sensor technology and architectures. For this, profound technical knowledge, but also very good knowledge of the market and railway operations are indispensable. Thanks to PROSE’s structured approach, a well-founded result from a broad analysis on the technical possibilities and business implications of automation is ensured.


Automatic Train Operation

Customer: Swiss Federal Railways SBB, Infrastructure Division, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Comprehensive consulting in the area of ATO (architectures and interfaces)
  • Consulting in the area of sensor technology (LiDAR, radar, camera) and their connections
  • Consulting in the area of remote control and the necessary technology and architecture
  • Consulting in the area of track monitoring and the necessary sensor technology for GoA3 and GoA4
  • Support in international committee work
  • Preparation of the feasibility study for the automation and remote control of a defined maintenance fleet including business case
  • Preparation of tender documents (dialog procedure)
  • Exchange with other programs and projec
  • Support in cooperation with other stakeholders (industry, railroads..)

Our Approach

The first objective is to develop a technical and commercial feasibility study for the automation of a defined maintenance fleet of several vehicles. This study includes all automation scenarios (GoA2, GoA3, GoA4 and remote control). The dimensions of cost, benefit, content and schedule are determined and as a result the tender documents are prepared.

Customer benefit

With the assignment of PROSE, the customer benefits from PROSE’s extensive experience in the fields of ATO, sensor technology and architectures. The customer does not need to build up project specific resources. The conceptual and technical consulting in the field of railroad automation provided by PROSE is used reliably, efficiently and target-oriented.

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