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Tag: Procurement Management

Procurement Management – Our solutions

Design of a 100% low-floor tram

Customer: CRRC Sifang Co Ltd, China

Project tasks

  • Tram concept
  • Design and development of bogie and carbody conceptual design and development
  • Electrical concept
  • Mechanical system integration

Our Approach

In cooperation with the client, PROSE developed the system specification for the whole tram and several of its components. One of the most challenging tasks in 100% low floor-trams is the design of the bogie, which had to be both compact and offer a quality ride. Single wheels were the solution.

Customer benefit

The newly designed 100% low-floor tram is a major upgrade of CRRC Sifang’s tram portfolio. The integration of CRRC Sifang’s production know-how and related processes into PROSE’s design work means lower production costs for CRRC Sifang.


Turnkey Engineering for snowblower

Customer: ZAUGG AG EGGIWIL, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • System engineering incl. consulting and weight management
  • Monitoring and elaboration of risk assessment according to CE
  • 3D design of complex devices incl. creation of production documents
  • FEM analysis of the supporting Structure

Our Approach

PROSE received the order from ZAUGG to realize, together with ZAUGG’s engineers, the complete mechanical engineering of the main assemblies, base frame and blower mechanics. The placement of the diesel units and hydraulic components were defined in close cooperation. The factors to be taken into account for the clearance gauge were also specified.

Customer benefit

Due to PROSE’s extensive system know-how, ZAUGG received all necessary documents to manufacture, commission and approve the snow blower on their own. With the technical competence in the development of complete vehicles, based on the long experience of PROSE engineers in lightweight construction, ZAUGG could successfully deliver the snow blower as a general contractor.


Advice on the modularisation of a functional vehicle authorisation strategy

Customer: Plasser&Theurer, Austria

Project tasks

  • Safety assessment report
  • Efficient decision-making basis for identifying significant changes
  • Optimisation in the definition of system boundaries
  • Optimisation potential in the creation of the “Requirement Capture”
  • Optimisation of the creation of the safety plan

Our Approach

PROSE offers support for a corresponding further development and optimisation of the processes. The aim was to optimise the processes and methodologies at P&T to the extent that effort is reduced and lead times can be shortened, but always in compliance with the requirements of the CSM EU VO 402/2013. The results of the workshop, including recommendations for the further procedure, were summarized by PROSE in a short report after the workshop.

Customer benefit

In a full-day workshop, Plasser&Theurer discussed in detail the necessity of a safety assessment report, efficient decision-making bases for the identification of significant changes, the design of optimisation in the definition of system boundaries, the optimisation potential in the preparation of the requirement capture and the optimisation of the preparation of the safety plan.

Support for procurement of catenary line installation vehicle

Customer: Furrer+Frey AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Technical clarification, evaluation
  • Preparation and negotiation of the contract framework
  • Project management and client representation
  • Examination of the railspecific specifications
  • Manufacturing supervision
  • Homologation support in Switzerland, Germany and Austria
  • Service introduction support

Our Approach

In the tender phase Furrer+Frey AG entrusted PROSE with the technical clarification for the evaluation as well as with preparation and negotiation of the contract framework. In the execution phase PROSE officially represented the customer.

Customer benefit

Furrer+Frey AG profits from PROSE’s vast experience with procurement of rolling stock and from PROSE’s rail-specific expert knowledge. Competent and experienced experts provide support in the fields of design, development, manufacture and homologation of vehicles so that the customer does not have to provide project-specific resources. The project team managed by PROSE realizes early delivery of a customized vehicle adapted to the company’s work processes. The positive operating approval for Switzerland is included and the budget limit not exceeded.

Support for procurement of a road-rail motor tower car

Customer: BERNMOBIL, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Requirements management
  • Contract for work and materials as well as call for tenders
  • Evaluation of tenders
  • Examination of the specifications
  • Manufacturing supervision
  • Acceptance support
  • Test support FOT

Our Approach

In the tender phase BERNMOBIL engaged PROSE with requirements management, which included the preparation of the requirements specification and all other documents needed for the public request for tenders. Apart from the technical specifications, this also included work and material contracts, availability and reliability requirements, the evaluation model with assessment matrix, and general conditions for the future maintenance and support contract covering the first ten years of operation.

Customer benefit

BERNMOBIL profited from our vast, practice-oriented experience with procurement of rolling stock, as well as from our rail-specific expert knowledge. PROSE also provided access to competent and experienced contacts who could answer questions regarding the design, development, production and homologation of vehicles. The customer was also able to take advantage from the knowledge acquired by PROSE during the execution phase for all important project steps.

Support for the purchase of low-floor trams

Customer: Basel public transport authority (BVB), Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Capture customer wishes concerning vehicle technology
  • Support documentation of the resulting technical requirements
  • Consider the current state of technology
  • Take account of current technical rules and standards
  • Revise the draft specification
  • Conduct a technical evaluation of the submitted bids

Our Approach

PROSE employs experts with many years’ experience in rail passenger transport. This allowed PROSE to put the tender call in a correct and due form and to state the customer’s requirements so as to facilitate their practical implementation. PROSE also brought in current technical rules and standards and took current laws and regulations into account.

Customer benefit

The customer gained value because the PROSE experts, reduced the commitment of customer resources in the tender call’s development and because PROSE introduced knowledge of current technology and of corresponding systems and components in developing the concept for the tram. PROSE took into account the experience of other public transport agencies in recent rolling stock procurement projects and contributed to a neutral and impartial bid evaluation.


Owner’s representative for FLIRT 3 vehicles

Customer: Landesanstalt für Schienenfahrzeuge Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Project tasks

  • Evaluation of project deviations with regard to functional requirements, quality and schedule
  • Supervision of high quality manufacturing of all 66 FLIRT 3 trains
  • Monitoring of vehicle condition/maintenance during operation for the duration of the operation contract (9 years)

Our approach

Once the operator, the vehicle supplier Stadler and the vehicle maintainer have been appointed to carry out the operation Baden-Württemberg, PROSE was engaged with the Technical Controlling. The goal of this Technical Controlling is to ensure a long term maintaining of the vehicle asset value with an owners perspective. This Technical Controlling consist of a development phase and a operational controlling phase. In the development phase the various vehicle assessments we developed and defined. In the operational phase of the project production quality of 66 FLIRT vehicles has been stepwise assessed and reported to the owner. Over the concession period of 9 years the vehicle maintenance quality is regularly assessed and reported.

Customer benefit

The customer benefits from risk minimisation and quality assurance in vehicle procurement. Furthermore, proper executed delivery and homologation are ensured, as is the assurance of the vehicle’s condition during operation and maintenance.



Development of a standardised EMU requirements specification for EN15380-5 transverse elements

Customer: Swiss Railway undertaking, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Summarise the current situation and clarify needs in one document
  • Concept development incl. review
  • Implementation in specification reviews (statement and walk-through / inspection)
  • Training and presentation of results

Our Approach

For the respective cross-sectional topics according to EN 15380-5, PROSE created one-pagers for the mutual understanding of the topics, which were reviewed together with the client’s technical experts.

Customer benefit

By creating the standard specifications, which define and describe the requirements regarding the cross-section elements, the customer has final procurement documents at train level. The customer was able to benefit from the comprehensive know-how of PROSE’s experts, who were able to comprehensively narrow down the complex topic of cross-section elements.

Setting the standards framework for maintenance

Customer: Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems, Switzerland and Rail Vision, Israel

Project tasks

  • Definition of requirements management
  • Creation of a standardisation framework
  • Delimitation of life cycle phase
  • Obsolescence management
  • RAMS & LCC Management

Our Approach

PROSE supports Knorr-Bremse and Rail Vision within their endeavor and defines the normative maintenance framework that builds the basis for a life cycle service contract upon installation of the electro-optic sensor systems.

Customer benefit

After prototype testing is successfully completed at the end of the first quarter of 2021, the partners will examine further business opportunities for integrating these systems into rail freight vehicles.

Procurement support for bulk freight wagon

Customer: Holcim Kies und Beton AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Feasibility studies
  • Workshops
  • Procurement specifications

Our Approach

PROSE supports Holcim in the complete procurement process. In particular, PROSE deals with railway-specific issues and risks.

Customer benefit

​Through Prose’s expertise and support in terms of feasibility in connection with railway-specific requirements, Holcim has verified procurement documents. With the developed basics, Holcim can request potential vehicle manufactures and has a suitable basis to evaluate the offers according to their requirements.

Feasibility study on driverless train operation (DTO)

Customer: BLT Transport AG, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Overall observation of the market
  • Detailed description of the planned infrastructure
  • Analysis of standards, technology and safety
  • Conclusion of asset of proposed measures of realisation – in coordination with FOT

Our Approach

During the first phase, a market overview was carried out together with a detailed description of the planned infrastructure – which ensured the achievement of the range required. The next step was creating the additional depth required by using standard technology and safety analyses. After consolidation, various variants were developed and evaluated during the feasibility phase. In coordination with the Federal Office of Transport (FOT), the best variant was selected and subsequently specified by proposed implementation measures

Customer benefit

Thanks to PROSE’s structured approach, BLT received a well-founded result based on a diversified analysis. During the realisation of the project, BLT already received an overview of the current state of the art autonomous transport systems and of present projects. In the end PROSE developed a coordinated proposal for a step by step introduction of autonomous operation, as well as further steps required for implementation, which were coordinated with the FOT.

smartrail 4.0 – Program Management COAT / CCS Vehicle Equipment

Customer: Industry program smartrail 4.0, SBB Infrastructure, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Management of the COAT / vehicle equipment sub-programme
  • Project planning, project controlling
  • Staffing and onboarding of internal and external project resources, together with PMO
  • SR40 Exchange with other programmes /projects / individual facilities
  • Weekly coordination with the organisational and technical smartrail 4.0 core teams
  • Quarterly coordination with smartrail 4.0 STASS vehicle
  • Coordination with the international cooperation OCORA
  • Coordination with stakeholders, including rail transport companies, suppliers / industry, national / international authorities BAV / ERA, and other stakeholders (CER, S2R, DG Move, RCA,…)

Our Approach

PROSE was commissioned by smartrail 4.0 with the program management and the PMO for the sub-program COAT / vehicle equipment. First the program was defined in terms of costs, benefits, content, and schedule and submitted for approval. Then the program management is responsible for the development of the program organisation and the establishment, planning and management of the international cooperation OCORA with the railway companies NS, SNCF, DB, ÖBB and SBB.

Customer benefit

With the commissioning of PROSE, the industry program smartrail 4.0 benefits from the wide-ranging experience of PROSE in the fields of On-board Signalling, ETCS and ATO in the procurement of new rolling stock as well as in the modernisation of existing vehicles.


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