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Tag: Maintenance

Maintenance – Our solutions

Support with Assembly Line Layout – PRIMA Mid-Life Overhaul

Customer: AKIEM, France

Project tasks

  • Project Management
  • Concept & Development
  • Workshop Layout
  • Industrial engineering of mid-life overhaul of railway equipment

Our Approach

Akiem decided to transfer production to an industrial partner during the construction and commissioning of Akiem Technik’s site in Ostricourt as part of the PRIMA Mid-Life Overhaul (MLO) project. It is important that Akiem has an efficient industrial production facility in order to be able to ramp up production of mid-life operations on PRIMA locomotives in 2023 at the earliest. It is, therefore, necessary to set up an effective industrial production in the partner’s workshops.

We provided Akiem with our expertise and knowledge of workshop layout, and made sure they had the support needed at every stage of the process. The aim was to define all the production resources required for this modernisation project, and to ensure that the customer met their production rate targets. Keeping efficiency in the workshops and delivering productive solutions.

Customer benefit

PROSE has a long experience in assisting realisation and implementation of industrial layouts in the context of mid-life overhaul of rail vehicles. We can ensure the optimised flow of vehicles by developing the workload plan per workstation and the balancing of the workstations. The supply chain aspect and the management of logistics flows are integrated into the overall study. Making sure our customers get the best solution possible.



Re-design studies of the PRIMA BB27000 and BB37000 locomotives

Customer: AKIEM, France

Project tasks

  • Pre-studies (feasibility study and budget estimate on different topics)
  • Electrical and mechanical integration studies
  • Replacement of the headlights with LED headlights
  • Integration of a socket with USB ports in the driver’s cab.
  • Modification of existing circuit diagrams
  • Design of integration plans and schemes
  • Creation of an operating and an assembly manual
  • Budget estimate to modify the entire PRIMA fleet of AKIEM
  • Supply of prototype parts and support for its integration
  • Carrying out the procedure and the test report
  • Updating of documents after the integration of the prototype and the realisation of tests, if necessary
  • Provision of the purchase specifications of the parts for the series
  • Impact assessment of the amendment

Our Approach

To carry out all pre-studies and studies, PROSE has set up an internal organisation:

  • Project Manager / Coordinator
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Mechanical Design Engineer
  • Expert in change impact analysis

PROSE worked in collaboration with AKIEM to provide the best possible solution in the shortest possible lead time.

Customer benefit

Thanks to our expertise in the field of rolling stock and our engineering department with its various competence centres, PROSE was able to offer our best services to propose modifications and carry out innovations on the locomotives.


Centralising the ICN tilting train maintenance – Variant study for maintenance work in a short shop

Customer: SBB Passenger Traffic, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Project management
  • Variant assessment
  • Operating and production concept
  • Compilation of profitability calculation

Our Approach

Together with various SBB organisations and several specialist planners (L2A Architekten AG, Technisches Büro K.N.O.L.L. GmbH, Wiederkehr und Villiger AG and Fahrgrund AG), 12 variants were developed in the greater Biel area and evaluated operationally, technically, and economically. Planning documents, a cost estimate, a possible schedule, and the corresponding application documentation for the decision-making process within SBB were prepared for the best variant. In addition, a recommendation was made for further procedures, including the risk assessment for the subsequent phases.

Customer benefit

With the wealth of experience of the people involved, the possibilities at the Biel site could be quickly and efficiently identified and evaluated. The option of additional roof work was subsequently integrated due to the consideration of the entire production concept.


Auditing vehicle maintenance

Customer: Appenzeller Bahnen, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Organisation
  • Workshop inspection
  • Consolidation
  • Report

Our Approach

PROSE implemented the maintenance audit in four sections: The content and objective of the first part was the deductive immersion in the maintenance organisation, starting from the strategy, the annual report on the structural and process organisation, the basic compatibility assessment of functional process organisations and the cooperation and division of labour between the different workshops. In the second part of this audit, two workshops were visited and their work was evaluated with regard to the knowledge gained in the first part and any gaps and/or suggestions for improvement were collected. Finally, the collected impressions were summarised and reflected upon and located with the client. The final report documented the result of the external view and provided information on the development status of vehicle maintenance.

Customer benefit

During the four abovementioned inspections, the Appenzeller Bahnen and their maintenance team received valuable feedback on their processes, on the organisation of procedures and processes, as well as on the status of their documentation. A number of suggestions for improvement were gratefully received and implemented as soon as possible.


Mid-life maintenance of PRIMA BB27000 and BB37000 locomotives

Customer: AKIEM, France

Project tasks

  • Definition of the operations to be carried out for the mid-life maintenance of PRIMA locomotives
  • Identification of ways to increase reliability
  • Treatment of component obsolescence
  • List of changes that can be implemented in mid-life operation
  • Solutions for a hardware refresh
  • Definition of the industrialization process for mid-life
  • Analysis of the risks associated with the residual life of the equipment

Our Approach

PROSE has developed a high level of expertise in the PRIMA-E locomotive type, maintenance definition and reliability growth action plan.

Customer benefit

Thanks to its expertise in the field of rolling stock, over the entire life cycle, PROSE can offer its best services to accompany its customer through all the stages of the life of its locomotives.

Adaption of German maglev train technology for operation in China

Customer: Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co. Ltd (SMTDC), China

Project tasks

  • Modification of the German maglev train TR08 in line with the requirements of a commercial operation in Shanghai
  • Support of reassembly of vehicles in Shanghai, commissioning and the start of operation
  • Realization of a maintenance optimization program with quality control processes
  • Performance of employees training in vehicle mechanics and on-site vehicle assembly

Our approach

PROSE supported the successful reassembly, commissioning and start of operation of the German maglev train TR08 for Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co. Ltd. Thereafter the vehicles were modified in line with the requirements of a commercial operation in Shanghai. A suitable, adjusted maintenance optimization program with quality control processes was developed and established. Training for maintenance personnel was carried out. Since then PROSE audits the world’s fastest train operation and its maintenance on a yearly basis.

Customer benefit

Successful operation of the maglev train in China was ensured because of PROSE’s yearly on-site inspections since 2011.


Turnkey Engineering for snowblower

Customer: ZAUGG AG EGGIWIL, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • System engineering incl. consulting and weight management
  • Monitoring and elaboration of risk assessment according to CE
  • 3D design of complex devices incl. creation of production documents
  • FEM analysis of the supporting Structure

Our Approach

PROSE received the order from ZAUGG to realize, together with ZAUGG’s engineers, the complete mechanical engineering of the main assemblies, base frame and blower mechanics. The placement of the diesel units and hydraulic components were defined in close cooperation. The factors to be taken into account for the clearance gauge were also specified.

Customer benefit

Due to PROSE’s extensive system know-how, ZAUGG received all necessary documents to manufacture, commission and approve the snow blower on their own. With the technical competence in the development of complete vehicles, based on the long experience of PROSE engineers in lightweight construction, ZAUGG could successfully deliver the snow blower as a general contractor.


Owner’s representative for FLIRT 3 vehicles

Customer: Landesanstalt für Schienenfahrzeuge Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Project tasks

  • Evaluation of project deviations with regard to functional requirements, quality and schedule
  • Supervision of high quality manufacturing of all 66 FLIRT 3 trains
  • Monitoring of vehicle condition/maintenance during operation for the duration of the operation contract (9 years)

Our approach

Once the operator, the vehicle supplier Stadler and the vehicle maintainer have been appointed to carry out the operation Baden-Württemberg, PROSE was engaged with the Technical Controlling. The goal of this Technical Controlling is to ensure a long term maintaining of the vehicle asset value with an owners perspective. This Technical Controlling consist of a development phase and a operational controlling phase. In the development phase the various vehicle assessments we developed and defined. In the operational phase of the project production quality of 66 FLIRT vehicles has been stepwise assessed and reported to the owner. Over the concession period of 9 years the vehicle maintenance quality is regularly assessed and reported.

Customer benefit

The customer benefits from risk minimisation and quality assurance in vehicle procurement. Furthermore, proper executed delivery and homologation are ensured, as is the assurance of the vehicle’s condition during operation and maintenance.



Development of a standardised EMU requirements specification for EN15380-5 transverse elements

Customer: Swiss Railway undertaking, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Summarise the current situation and clarify needs in one document
  • Concept development incl. review
  • Implementation in specification reviews (statement and walk-through / inspection)
  • Training and presentation of results

Our Approach

For the respective cross-sectional topics according to EN 15380-5, PROSE created one-pagers for the mutual understanding of the topics, which were reviewed together with the client’s technical experts.

Customer benefit

By creating the standard specifications, which define and describe the requirements regarding the cross-section elements, the customer has final procurement documents at train level. The customer was able to benefit from the comprehensive know-how of PROSE’s experts, who were able to comprehensively narrow down the complex topic of cross-section elements.

Setting the standards framework for maintenance

Customer: Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems, Switzerland and Rail Vision, Israel

Project tasks

  • Definition of requirements management
  • Creation of a standardisation framework
  • Delimitation of life cycle phase
  • Obsolescence management
  • RAMS & LCC Management

Our Approach

PROSE supports Knorr-Bremse and Rail Vision within their endeavor and defines the normative maintenance framework that builds the basis for a life cycle service contract upon installation of the electro-optic sensor systems.

Customer benefit

After prototype testing is successfully completed at the end of the first quarter of 2021, the partners will examine further business opportunities for integrating these systems into rail freight vehicles.

Ad interim locomotive fleet manager

Customer: SBB Cargo, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • ​ECM Migration
  • ANSF Approval Re484
  • Re484 Analysis power converter, compressor, emergency stop
  • Planning R2 Re484
  • Planning R2 Re474
  • Midlife measures Re482
  • Technical Mentoring Obsolescence Manager: Competence Matrix ECM2
  • Leadership Coaching ECM2 Manager: White paper and concept for Life Extension Re620

Our Approach

In addition to ensuring operational safety within the framework of the ECM2 function compared to the upstream and downstream ECM functions, PROSE took care of the sustainable improvement of the availability of the new fleet. The integration of PROSE experts in technical questions considerably increased the expertise available on site.​

Customer benefit

With this ad interim solution, the customer SBB Cargo received a flexibly deployable expertise with broad technical support from PROSE, who quickly and filled this specific personnel assignment. In addition to the operational security function within the framework of ECM2, this solution provided increased benefits in terms of availability, development and regulations. In addition, PROSE led the newly appointed obsolescence manager in the establishment of the competence matrix of the ECM2 team for the auditcapable mapping of competence management within the framework of technical mentoring.

Leadership Coaching ECM2 Manager for life cycle extension locomotive Re620

Customer: SBB Cargo, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Review of contents Re620
  • Technical Mentoring old Locomotives Fleet Manager
  •  Leadership Coaching ECM2-Manager in Conceptualisation

Our approach

PROSE developed a three-stage concept as part of a professional coaching phase for the current ECM2 manager of SBB Cargo; taking into account the stabilisation of reliability and availability up to 2035 at the level of 2020 and the completion of revision R2 with a defined content, a planned annual mileage up to End of Life (EoL) of 120 thousand kilometres p.a. or 1.8 million km and a removal of the separation between light (SBB Cargo) and heavy maintenance (SBB-P, Bellinzona industrial plant), which had arisen as a result of the organisational split-up within the SBB Group.

Customer benefit

This concept gave SBB Cargo a sustainable opportunity to operate the strategically important Re6/6 fleet for a further fifteen years. The current ECM2 manager received management coaching at the appropriate level for the conception of a fifteen-year life extension for the Re620 (SLM) old locomotive from the 1970s.


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