Rail grinding machine 2-24: Structural strength analysis
Customer: L&S Luddeneit und Scherf GmbH, Germany
Project tasks
- Structural strength analysis of RGM 2-24 grinding vehicle car body main structure
- Creation of mid-surface Finite Element Model (FEM)
- Definition of load case and boundaries conditions
- Interpretation of simulation result according to EN12663-2010
- Creation of structural strength report
- Comparison of result according to additional norms (VDV-Schrift 152 10/2016 BoStrab & BS 7608:2014)
Our Approach
L&S contracted PROSE to demonstrate the strength of the RGM-2-24 main car body structure as per EN 12663-1 by means of a finite element analysis (FEA). We did create a 3D model for calculation, define the loads cases together with L&S, perform the simulation, assess the results with final presentation in a report. We also did support with design adaptation where required to reach EN 12663 fulfilment.
Customer benefit
By contracting PROSE, L&S did benefit from our wide experience in structural strength analysis. This led to faster and efficient design integrity calculation and adaptation of design when required to ensure structural integrity of the rail grinding vehicle car body main structure.