Expert reports on running dynamics

Customer: Various customers
Project tasks
- Driving evaluation of all types of railway vehicles including specialties such as two-way vehicles and tram trains
- Driving evaluation and assessment of work and stability of crane vehicles, lifting platforms, excavators, bridge soffit devices, etc.
- Accompaniment of speed increases of existing vehicles
- Driving assessment on assignment of network access points
- Extension of approval in State A based on approval in State B
Our Approach
In a first phase, the processes and the scope of approval is negotiated with the responsible authorities. This is essential as it dominates the time and costs of the approval process as well as the risks involved. In a second phase, the agreed evidence is then provided (simulations and tests performed) and evaluated. In the third phase, the expert report is prepared based on these reports on simulations and tests and – if required – represented before the authorities.
Customer benefit
The vast experience of PROSE’s experts leads to an optimal definition of processes and requirements from the beginning. Customers also appreciate the swift feedback on the submitted documents and, in case of problems, the support in finding solutions. Especially in countries without formal recognition of experts, it
is important that the customer can expect that the expert opinion will be accepted by the regulatory authority. The broad acceptance of PROSE’s experts ensures this.