Expert assessment running dynamics of TramTrains

Customer: TÜV Rheinland, Germany
End customer: STADLER RAIL VALENCIA S.A.U., Spain
Project tasks
- Creation and structuring of the verifications (in Karlsruhe for the EBO area, in Chemnitz for the EBO and BOStrab areas)
- Monitoring of experiments
- Expert assessment for the approval of the two tram trains according to §32 EBO in Germany (driving technology completely according to EN 14363) and in Chemnitz also according to BOStrab
Our Approach
In a first phase, the coordination of processes and the scope of approval with the competent authorities is therefore essential. This often also influences the duration of the approval process, the costs, and the risks. PROSE developed the verification concept together with the manufacturer. In a second phase, the agreed reports to provide evidence were prepared. This was done with the involvement of the manufacturer and the testing authorities. In the third phase these reports were assessed and finally the expert report was prepared
Customer benefit
The wide experience of the experts at PROSE lead to an optimal definition of processes and requirements from the beginning. This reduced process risks right from the beginning and ensured adequate stakeholder management. The active process design lead to a solid and target-oriented verification process involving authorities, manufacturers, test laboratories and other third parties. The customers also appreciated the swift feedback on the submitted documents and, in case of problems, the support in finding solutions.