Advice on the implementation of ECM Regulation 779

Customer: SBB CARGO, ECM2 strategic fleet management, Switzerland
Project tasks
- Leadership coaching of the responsible head of strategic fleet management
- Expert mentoring of the executing project employee
- External workshop organisation for team development
- Stakeholder management with management level, HRM, standards and regulatory bodies
- Methodical tool development in the area of competence management
- Strategic organisational development regarding structure and process organisation
- Strategic knowledge management in quasi-governmental organisations
Our Approach
In a first step, the safety-relevant (ECM) activities were separated from the availability-relevant activities and documented in an external workshop. A competence matrix of the fleet management employees was created in several project work steps. PROSE then developed a target matrix on the basis of the content of the impending leap in standards from 2011/445 to 2019/779, whose delta on the actual situation can be used as the basis for strategic employee development and represents the comprehensive and detailed proof of competence in the forthcoming safety audits.
Customer benefit
The Head of Strategic Locomotive Fleet Management (ECM2) receives a comprehensive and detailed overview of the area of activity of his department and is in a position to document, reference and thus prove the ability to carry out these processes at any time and at the appropriate level in an audit-capable manner. Externally, this department achieves competence suited for the forthcoming re-certification to the new 2019/779 ordinance landscape. Internally, it serves as a practical example of the implementation capability within the framework of the CargoFit programme. Furthermore, process-related and competence oriented dependencies between the ECM2 activities will be established: safety, availability, system engineering and regulations are clearly documented and located.