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Transformation in action


We are proud to present our latest collaboration with the metro operator for SL, where we played a crucial role in the refurbishment and improvement of 270 C20 metro trains.

PROSE has worked closely with various suppliers to ensure a first class finish. From the early stages of development to the start of production, we made sure that each step followed seamlessly from the next. Our work began with the redesign of the driver’s cab, focussing on ergonomic improvements and workplace efficiency. In parallel, the passenger compartment was redesigned to increase passenger comfort and safety. This required careful planning and implementation to ensure that every change met strict safety and quality standards.

Our proactive approach to quality assurance in the development and production phases has helped to raise quality standards and increase customer satisfaction.

At PROSE, we are passionate about progress and quality to exceed our customers’ expectations. Find out more about this project here.

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