Support for the procurement of trams
Customer: HeiterBlick GmbH, Germany
End customer: Würzburger Straßenbahn GmbH, Germany
Project tasks
- Concept development
- Tram concept including car body, bogies and Interior
- Preparation of offer documents
Our Approach
PROSE developed a promising, technically high-quality vehicle concept in close cooperation with HeiterBlick, the E-Partner and the suppliers. After the approval of this concept, the detailed elaboration of the required offer documents including vehicle concept and description of all important main components was carried out. After submission of the detailed offer, PROSE also supported HeiterBlick in the negotiations with Würzburger Straßenbahn GmbH.
Customer benefit
HeiterBlick was able to submit a technically mature vehicle concept with high quality bid documents due to PROSE’s broad tram-specific expert knowledge. This made it possible to win this tender.