Computational evidence of derailment safety for rack railway wagons
Customer: Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn AG, Switzerland
Project tasks
- Compilation and preparation of parameters for modelling and simulation
- Determination of the braking scenario to be considered
- Creation of a multi-body simulation model (MBS model) of the rack railway container wagon to be investigated, as well as of the coupled train configuration
- Execution and evaluation of the simulation
- Documentation in an evidence report
Our Approach
At first, PROSE compiled all parameters required for modelling and simulation based on the customer’s data. Subsequently, the braking scenario relevant to the approval was determined and agreed upon with the customer. PROSE created the rack railway container wagon’s multi-body simulation model (MBS model) in the required modelling depth. The overall model of the train included a simplified MBS model of a flat wagon and the already at PROSE existing model of an HGe 4/4 II locomotive. PROSE simulated the most critical operational cases and documented the results and assessment of the simulations in an evidence report for the approval authority.
Customer benefit
The customer received an evidence report for the approval documentation, which clearly and comprehensibly documents the computational proof of the safety against the derailment of the rack railway container wagon. Based on the evidence, the customer received the approval for the wagon.