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PROSE inside series: Bogie Trial Dismantling


Over the next few weeks we will be publishing a series of posts on systems engineering, helping customers with maintenance engineering. PROSE-Systems Engineer Armin Burth provides insights into PROSE’s service engineering activities in this series.

Here comes the first use case of the PROSE inside series within our service engineering capabilities: Bogie Trial Dismantling

By far the largest effort in vehicle overhauls is spend for mechanical reconditioning of bogies. Therefore, the definition of the required reconditioning needs a special focus. PROSE identified that the test dismantling is the relevant step. The findings of the actual bogie condition, hence the wear generated by the effective operation, as well as its comparison with the generic reconditioning recommendation of the manufacturer, finally defines the reconditioning requirements in the dimensions of material consumption and production hours.
PROSE has repeatedly provided customers with an independent second opinion and supported operators or workshops preparing cost efficient mechanical reconditioning of bogies.

Armin Burth says: “The discrepancy between the effective wear of bogies in service and the manufacturer’s generic reconditioning  recommendation shows a high effort and material efficiency potential in bogie reconditioning.”

Let us know if you are preparing such overhauls and are interested in assessing optimisation and saving potentials!

Get inspired by: see how PROSE support operators and workshops or contact Armin Burth ( directly.

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