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PROSE around the globe: shaping the future at key mobility events


In Tampere, Finland, we took part in the Light Rail Day, a gathering of experts from the light rail industry. Discussions centred on ambitious plans to expand light rail lines across Finland, reflecting the country’s commitment to improving its urban transport systems. On this occasion, PROSE was able to offer its expertise in various technical areas to support the growth and development of sustainable urban transport solutions in the region.  

In Poland, during the SWISSRAIL fact-finding mission, Christoph Gyr had the opportunity to introduce PROSE to local operators and infrastructure managers in a series of “speed dating” meetings. These discussions highlighted the potential needs that PROSE can fulfil in the Polish market and laid the foundations for future collaboration. 

Across the ocean, at the APTA conference in Cleveland, Ohio, we networked with the American rail community, gaining insights into current market dynamics and exploring new partnership opportunities with transit agencies and engineering groups. These contacts are of great value as we strive to increase our influence and develop innovative solutions for the American railway sector. 

With each of these events, PROSE has not only shared our vision, but also deepened our global impact, bringing us closer to our goal of improving mobility solutions worldwide. We are excited about the opportunities these engagements have opened up for us and look forward to what lies ahead on our journey to advance global mobility. 

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