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Independent technical and operational assessment of ATO GoA2 implementation variants

Customer: Rhaetian Railway, Switzerland

Project tasks

  • Automatic Train Operation
  • Expertise
  • Independent Assessment
  • Expert interviews
  • Strategy
  • Technical assessment

Our Approach

​As part of the development of a technical specification for equipping the vehicle fleet with a driver assistance system (DAS) with ATO GoA2 (Automatic Train Operation, semi-automatic operation) of Rhätische Bahn AG (RhB), PROSE provided support with neutral expertise on technical implementation variants.

Specifically, the focus was on the interface and functionality to be implemented for the interface between the ATO and the vehicle control system as well as the interaction of the locomotive crew with the ATO. In particular, the different implementation variants focussed on the activation of the ATO and the implementation of the traction/braking force specifications for the vehicle.

Based on the European specification analogue to SUBSET-125 and SUBSET-139 as well as the adapted draft specifications and internal implementation proposals, PROSE carried out a neutral evaluation of the variants using a two-stage methodology.

In a first step, selected RhB representatives from the areas of vehicle technology and locomotive personnel were interviewed. The respective significance of the evaluation criteria was determined.

In the second step, the fulfilment of the criteria of both variants was carried out by the PROSE experts on the basis of the technical specifications and the expert interviews. In particular, the opportunities, risks, approvability, migration capability, acceptance of the locomotive personnel and an initial qualitative assessment from the HOF (Human-Organisational-Factors) perspective of the variants were compared and evaluated.

Customer benefit

​RhB benefited from the neutral and independent assessment of the PROSE experts with the involvement of the relevant internal representatives. PROSE’s expertise ensured fast and efficient processing and the necessary depth of detail.



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