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Modernisation, Vehicle Authorisation
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Homologation Support – Repainting of ET425.5 EMUs

Customer: Transdev Hannover GmbH, Germany

Project tasks

  • Project management
  • Requirements capture
  • Homologation support
  • Communication with NoBo and DeBo
  • Preparation of verification and admission documents

Our Approach

Transdev Hannover GmbH changed the existing colour scheme of 13 EMUs of the type ET425.5 from the Deutsche Bahn “Verkehrsrot” to the Transdev branding in blue and white. PROSE supported with homologation management concerning TSI LOC&PAS, TSI PRM and German NNTR as well as requirements capture and verification documents. The main obstacle was to find a way to establish the verification of the fire protection as no spare parts existed to conduct the necessary experiments.

Due to the great experience and good networking within the industry, it was possible to agree on a feasible way of proving fire protection with the assessment bodies as early as the tendering phase. In combination with the close support of the customer in every phase of the project, loops or lengthy discussions could be avoided.

Customer benefit

PROSE led Transdev Hannover through the homologation process including communication with the assessment bodies and project management. This ultimately resulted in the timely submission of the documents and rapid final processing by the national safety authority (EBA) including the final “Go”.



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