Triathlon in Switzerland

What do you do on a hot Sunday afternoon?
A triathlon, of course!
Triathlon consists of the combination of three sports in the order of swimming, cycling and running. Six employees of PROSE took part in Zurich over the sprint distance, whereas the fittest company in Switzerland was sought. The teams had to master the distance 750 m swimming, 20 km biking and 5 km running divided into three persons each. Frieder Tallafuss and Felix Saur did the swim, Beat Müller and Finn Wirth the bike and Christoph Beeri and Stefan Aldekamp the run. The late start at 4 p.m. led to quite hot conditions, where people even sweated in the water. With a lot of fun and even more verve the teams completed the course and did very well. The team spirit was noticeable throughout the teams. The cooling dive into the lake of Zurich with subsequent refreshments rounded off a wonderful day among PROSE colleagues.
See you next year!