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Sustainable decisions – what do they really mean and how can we support them?


Have you ever heard the expression “small streams make great rivers”? This philosophy is evident in our 9 offices. Instead of purchasing new hardware, mobile phones, or IT-infrastructure, we replace components such as batteries, screens, and keyboards, and re-use infrastructure between sites to make our tools and offices last longer.

This same mindset guides us in shaping tomorrow’s mobility. We modernise older fleets, digitalise systems, and adopt eco-friendly alternatives. In simple terms, we help extend the lifespan of fleets by replacing components, engineering, or re-engineering parts. If spare parts are no longer available, we re-engineer them. If standards have changed, we adapt vehicles to meet new criteria and support you in the vehicle authorisation process. New signalling system? We support and guide the implementation so your fleets can continue to run. Just think of it for a second – what a great impact this has on our enivironment.

We also encourage our employees to travel sustainably, prioritising rail travel to reduce our carbon footprint. Joining bike-to-work contests, arranging events strategically placed so our employees can easily travel there, and promoting sustainable travel to InnoTrans.

At PROSE, actively supporting a greener, more sustainable future is our purpose: we are shaping tomorrow’s mobility!

Join us on the journey – how are you adapting your everyday to be sustainable?

Let us support your next modernisation project:


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