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PROSE inside series: Condition Monitoring


Here comes the fourth use case of the PROSE inside series within our service engineering capabilities: Condition Monitoring

The monitoring of various critical parameters, such as load, temperature, vibration, damping etc. gives an overview regarding the bogie and wheelset condition. Sensor technology is rapidly developing and reliable measurement, same goes for data transmission, storage and analytics is all no longer a major cost factor. Once the sensors are installed on the vehicle, data is continuously collected by IoT and analyzed by data science and algorithms. In case of abnormalities, preventive actions can be taken. This improves safety and serves as foundation for maintenance optimisation.

PROSE has been involved in multiple conceptual developments for condition monitoring involving different vehicle types.

Armin Burth says: “Condition monitoring increases safety and serves as foundation for maintenance optimisation.”

We can be your solution provider. Let us know if you need condition monitoring of a vehicle.

Get inspired by contact Armin Burth ( directly.


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