Did you know that PROSE is your go-to partner for electrical services in new train developments?

Whether it’s Electric (E), Diesel Electric (DE), Battery Electric (BE), or Hydrogen Electric (HE) multiple units, metros, or locomotives, we’ve got you covered!
We can take the reins on subsystem integration, be it individual components or the entire vehicle. Our diverse expertise in system, electrical, and mechanical engineering ensures a seamless fit for various systems on your railway vehicles.
From train radio (GSM-R) and automatic train control (hello, ETCS!) to passenger info systems (PIS), ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, designs for power supply and vehicle control architectures – we’ve got the expertise to make it happen!
PROSE guides you through every step of on-board electrical subsystem integration, starting from concept definition. We handle electrical and mechanical design, ensuring compliance with railway regulations. Delivery of as-built electrical diagrams, wiring tables, and components lists. We also craft supplier technical specs tailored to your needs.
How can we support you? Contact us