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BahnVerstand: Basler Tag der Schadenregulierung


On September 15, Christoph Gabrisch – BahnVerstand invited AVV experts from freight operators, wagon keepers and maintainers to the third “Basler Tag der Schadenregulierung”.
The main topic this year was damage reports from non-AVV parties and their consequences for railroads, wagonkeepers and other stakeholders.
PROSE was represented by Tobias Hoppe and Dr. Bernhard Frei.

The concluding panel dealt among others with the question of Dr. Bernhard Frei whether the increasingly better condition data from stationary measurement systems will not make the investment in sensor technology on the wagon less economical in the future.

The follow-up event with the main topic “Electronic Data Exchange – GCUBroker” will take place on September 14, 2023 – again in the Basel Volkshaus.

A great PROSE “Project Manager”-Day was successfully held in Bavaria with all project managers of PROSE Germany and Austria for learning and for exchange. “Bid & project management”-process as well as “Finance for Engineers” were presented and fruitfully discussed. The day ended with social activities! teambuilding


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